If you frequently practice cycling, BMX, hiking or simply own a bicycle, it will be essential for you to know what the parts of a bicycle are. Not only in order to acquire more knowledge, but to understand how this vehicle is made, and to know how to repair it, ask for a replacement part. Regardless of whether you are a mechanic or not, bicycles are really simple systems to understand, so you may even save a few euros in taking it to repair.

We will comment and briefly explain the use of the parts of a bicycle by dividing it into 3 segments; Upper parts, central parts and lower parts. It must be said that this is not a real classification, but it is one that we have invented for pedagogical purposes. Since in this way it will be easier for you to identify them, and with them memorize them. So without further ado, let’s start with the top ones…

Upper parts of a bicycle.

With upper parts we refer to those parts that are within reach of our hands, or that could be considered as the front area of ​​the bike. In this category we will find:

  • Handlebar. The handlebar is an elongated tube on which we will place our hands (hence the name). Depending on the bike model, the handlebars will be different. That is, the handlebar of a mountain bike is not the same as that of a BMX, or a road bike.
  • Power. It is the piece with which the handlebar is supported and unified to the bicycle fork. Its function is precisely that, to hold the handlebar and connect it to the rest of the vehicle.
  • fork. The fork is the piece that allows the front wheel to change its directions, thus being able to move to each side. It achieves this thanks to the fact that it is connected to the power, and the latter, as we said, is connected to the handlebar. Thus allowing it to be rotated from side to side.
  • Brakes. The brakes are essential to be able to stop while we stand on the bicycles. There are many types, but in general, their function is to stop the advance. Bicycles usually have two brakes (front and rear).

With this we have finished with the upper parts, now we go with the central ones.

Parts or central pieces.

We call central pieces those that allow the connection of other parts. To give you an example, the painting. Well, it is essentially the body of the bike. In addition, the area where the cyclist rests are also covered here.

  • Box. The frame, as we said before, is the body of the bicycle. It is a fundamental piece for obvious reasons, and it is the most expensive part in monetary terms, to acquire when we put together a bike.
  • Seat. Place where the cyclist can rest his buttocks while moving.
  • Tija. The seat post is the tube that connects the seat with the frame, it should be said that this is only possible thanks to the fact that the seat post has a base that connects the seat with it. In addition, this base allows the angle in which the seat will be fixed to be adjusted.
  • rims. Finally, the rims are the ones that connect to the frame to later be able to incorporate the guts, tires and brakes. They are essentially the wheels of a bicycle.

The lower parts.

Now to finish this entry, we only have to talk about the lower parts. In this group we will find those parts that are far from the reach of our arms, and are located closer to the ground.

  • Rubber or tire. The tires are the ones that maintain direct contact with the ground, preventing the wheels from breaking down. Given their material, these tend to have great grip, and with the help of the gut, they turn out to be good shock absorbers as well.
  • Gut. The gut goes internally in the rubber, and is what gives it volume and cushioning.
  • Plate or crown wheel. It is given this name because it is the mechanism (much like a gear). That allows you to move the rear wheel with your feet, thanks to the chain.
  • connecting rod, the crank is the “arm” that connects the pedals to the frame. The crown wheel comes from the factory with its connecting rod.
  • pedals. Piece with which we put our feet, and with it exert the starting force.
  • Chain. The chain is probably one of the most important parts, since it is what allows us to ride a bicycle. No chain, it’s just a frame with wheels. Also say that it is the chain that fits with the teeth of the chaining and works with them.

In this way we conclude with the writing of this post. We hope that the shared information will be very useful to you. If you want to read more, here we leave you: How a motorized bicycle works.


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