It is normal that at some point in our lives we decide to make an important change to our physique. Whether it is resorting to an aesthetic operation, changing our diet or resorting to training. Under the motivation of achieving that slender and very well defined figure that we imagine as “Ideal”. However, dreams and you get us and you get just by thinking about them and walking in the clouds. It is necessary to get down to work and run “Call to action”. For this precise reason, we want to explain in this post how you can put together your own daily exercise routine.

Well, it may seem absurd, but the truth is that putting together a routine is not something that only requires going to the gym and using any machine that comes our way. If you want to achieve optimal results and in record time (without resorting to less natural options such as steroids). You have to do the job well… well and smartly.

For your good fortune, the boss, the gift of questions today has decided to take on the task of teaching you through this post what aspects you should take into account if your goal is to develop an excellent daily exercise routine that exploits your power to the maximum. And that in the process you find it most comfortable and profitable. Stay to discover how…

Have your exercise routine change depending on the day?

We know that everyone has their preferences when it comes to exercising. There are muscles that are more attractive to work according to each individual, an example could be the pectorals… There are men who feel more comfortable working the pectorals, not to mention that it is a muscle that stands out a lot visually. Just as it happens with women, it is more interesting to work with those exercises designed to strengthen the buttocks.

These preferences are understandable, but we would be making a big mistake if we only allocate our training to a certain sector or part of our body. Regardless of your gender or discipline (In case you practice any sport). You must keep your body in perfect balance and harmony, so you must take into account each part of your body in your exercise routine.

Our recommendation is that you train 6 days a week, leaving one day as a rest (Usually on Sundays). And distribute your routine focusing each day on one part of your body. Example…

  • Monday: Legs.
  • Tuesday: Biceps and Pectorals.
  • Wednesday: Triceps and Back.
  • Thursday: Shoulders.
  • Friday: abdomen.
  • Saturday: Legs.

Following this example, you can realize that every day a specific part of our body is worked on, this gives rise to us being able to define ourselves in a correct and balanced way, not to mention that it avoids fatigue or wear and tear of the muscles, since It gives them time to rest and recover. The legs are usually the area that requires the most work, so it is considered to train them for at least 2 days. Although the latter can be used to work on that part that you most want to strengthen.

Accompany your routine with a diet suitable for it.

An exercise routine to gain muscle mass is not the same as one whose goal is to lose weight. Since depending on your objective, the exercises you will perform, as well as your diet, will be very different.

Many times when we seek to put together our exercise routine, we neglect the creation of a diet that accompanies it. It is well known by those more into the fitness world that food is even more important than the routine itself. For the simple fact that if you don’t have a good diet that nourishes your muscles with the vitamins and energy they need to recover after training. You will hardly get the results you are looking for. And if you get them, it will take you longer than it takes for a person who pays attention to the diet.

Keep in mind what we discussed earlier. You have to do the exercise well… Good and working smart… If your goal is to increase muscle mass, you must make sure to build (or search the internet) a diet rich in protein and fiber. Components that your body will require for the increase in muscle volume that you are looking to achieve.

On the other hand, if your exercise routine is to lose weight, you will have to make sure you eat light foods that are low in fat, calories, and without exceeding carbohydrates. Not to mention, you’ll need to cut back on how often you eat.


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