Cycling continues to gain followers in its different modalities, with more and more people deciding to resort to this type of sporting activity, whether for road cycling, mountain biking, etc., a very complete sport that can provide many hours of fun.

However, a common mistake, especially in those who are just beginning to use their bicycle, is to neglect what is related to food; since eating during training is essential to perform at a good level. For a cyclist, food is his fuel and to avoid health problems or simply excessive fatigue, food is essential. To do this, you must always eat or have a good breakfast before leaving and, in addition, always carry some food with you to eat during the route, especially if these are long. If you want to know how to eat during a bike workout, we are going to tell you everything you need to keep in mind.

when to start eating

There is no clear answer to this question, since everything will depend on the food you have eaten before going out to train on a bicycle, in addition to taking into account the length of the training. In the event that you have had a hearty breakfast, it is possible that during two hours of easy route you can be without problems. However, if you had a lighter breakfast, or are going to train more demanding, it will be necessary to carry some food with you.

When it comes to hydration, this is something that becomes even more important. Poor hydration can have a direct impact on training, but it also conditions the recovery process. It is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day and keep it in mind when doing sports.

Experts recommend drinking 500 ml of water for every hour of activity beginning in the first 60 minutes of exercise. The liquid does not have to be exclusively water, since the isotonic drink can be used. Poor hydration can also cause cramps and the arrival of the well-known “birds”. To avoid them, always stay well hydrated.

What to eat when cycling

When talking about food and the amounts to use while doing physical exercise on a bicycle, you need to keep in mind that for good performance you need to be well fed. However, many people do not give the importance that running food deserves, despite the fact that experts insist on it.

That said, we are going to give you some basic indications of nutrition during sports practice.


Fruit is an essential food in the world of sports. In the case of cycling, for logistical reasons, the variety of fruit to carry with you to eat while training lasts is more limited, in this case it is best to bet on bananas, which contain minerals, carbohydrates and fiber, among others. others. In addition, it is perfect thanks to its high content of potassium and magnesium, which will help prevent cramps, so common in cyclists.


Gels must be used since they are a perfect complement when cycling. In the market you can find energy gels that are easier to digest and more pleasant. With them you can receive an energy pump that will be of great help in those outings in which you need a good injection of energy to be able to face the most demanding training.


Nuts have multiple benefits, thanks in large part to their high energy content. For this you can use those that you like the most, whether they are hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds…, there is a wide variety to choose from. Dehydrated fruits such as raisins, dates or dried apricots can also be options to consider during a route due to their high nutritional value. Nuts offer energy naturally.


Snacks have long since fallen out of use in the world of cycling, largely because they have been replaced by energy bars. There are many types of them and their nutritional value varies from one to another, so the first thing you should do is review their nutritional values.

You can find them in many different flavors, which is important so that they are pleasant to consume, but their content is more important. You can find them of different types and they can be of great help. One of its advantages is that, as happens with gels, you can wear them comfortably while you train by bicycle and you can consume them without problems without getting off or stopping if you prefer.


Leaving all the protein to consume it after training is not the most appropriate, since although it acts as a muscle recovery; and that this makes it recommended after an intense effort, in the case of cyclists it is also recommended to provide protein during exercise. That is why more and more cyclists are opting for the consumption of protein bars. These are recommended to be eaten in the last 60 minutes of physical activity.


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