When someone asks you which part of the body is the most commonly exercised, one would easily say the arms.

Who wouldn’t like to have strong arms? Everyone is fascinated by having or witnessing strong biceps, one can clearly conclude that the other muscles are also well worked. Although there is a high probability that it is only the arms that are well worked and the other parts of the body are only normal.

It is quite normal that when a person exercises from home, they will only do a specific part in order to gain some physical attractiveness or appearance. This can become common with those already in middle adulthood. In addition, training your body like this is not good since you will be able to see something strange, imagine seeing someone with good arms. But he has a belly that will surprise you and ask if that person is really exercising, or that a person has incredible arms. But that his legs are skinny and not at all toned. It is better to exercise the whole body, since in an orderly way your muscles will gain shape normally. And that on exercise days you focus on 2 parts of the body that are one.

If you want to make your own exercise routine or add several exercises to your routine, then don’t worry because in this article you will learn about several arm exercises that you may not have known about.

Straight Bar Bicep Curl

This exercise is very important in order to get a good benefit in order to activate the biceps, since this is an isolation exercise. You must have a good one, having to work so that our shoulders don’t go forward and our back doesn’t go back.

Having a good concentration is also important, you should not be in a hurry to finish it, because in the end you will not be able to see the benefit, since you could not exercise our muscles. Squeeze your glutes and abdomen in order to have good balance and stability. And so we will not be able to get an injury to our back.

As for the grip, this must be important, it can be supine or prone, anyway, each grip will depend on what type of muscle you want to exercise in particular.

triceps dips

This exercise is very simple, but even so the result is very good, this helps you to strengthen your triceps muscles well. When you are going to do it, you will only need a low table or a chair for better comfort. After positions with your back to the chair, and you are going to place your hands on the seat and your fingers should be towards you. In that same position, you are going to start by bending your elbows and then lower your body with your back (it must be very straight) And finally you are going to return to your original position, pushing your chair down.

This exercise can be made more difficult, you just have to put your feet further away, and by doing this you will notice that the exercise is more difficult. You just have to be very careful when you bend your elbows to your sides, it is much better to take them back.

shoulder press

This is a good exercise to tone your arms. Also this exercise can be known as military press. Here you are going to be standing, you are going to slightly bend your knees in order to hold your dumbbells (you can also use a bottle) in each hand to bring them up to your ears. Later you are going to push them upwards, it has to be above your head, making your arms fully extended. And finally you return to the starting position and repeat the same process.

If you are going to do this exercise, you should keep in mind that you need to completely avoid having to arch your back very much. Since it can hurt a bit, and if you want to do it on a seat, your back should still be straight, and in this case, close to the back of the chair.

In this article I only wanted to mention several that may not be in many arm exercise routines, if none of these interest you, don’t worry, you can keep looking.


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