In case you don’t know, almost all our body parts should be exercised, it’s not just the arms, chest and abdomen, but also the back. Because in the end, you will start to look very strange, having those mentioned parts well worked, while the rest are weak, thin or not worked. It would be as if you saw someone with the part of the waist up well worked but his legs are too thin.

And the same thing happens if we invert, we see well-worked legs, but the rest of the body is very thin. That is why people should have a varied routine, if one day you are going to work on your arms, it has to be different exercises that work different areas of the arm, and the same happens with the rest of the body. So that all the muscles work well.

If you do not know anything about exercise, it is better to search the internet for exercise routines for each part of the body that you want to exercise. If you have a coach or someone you know who is a professional in the area, it would be better. But if you don’t have it, then in this article you will learn about several exercises that work on your back.

Dead weight

This being the best option in order to gain more thickness in your back. You simply need to be standing in front of a bar, remember to have your feet shoulder width apart. Then you contract your abs, push your chest out and bend your knees so you can reach the bar.

This same one you are going to grab in a pronated way (thumbs should be facing each other) Having to be slightly wider than your shoulders.

To perform the exercise, you must lift the bar that is on the ground, having to straighten your legs. When the bar is near your knees, you’re going to straighten your knees while simultaneously lengthening your back.

When you are completely vertical, you are going to stop. And you hold the position for 2 seconds, remember to squeeze your shoulder blades together for extra stimulation on the upper sword

And in a controlled way you are going to place the bar back on the ground, flexing your back and bending your thighs.

You do this exercise for 3 or 4 sets and repeat until you can’t anymore.

barbell row

You’re going to have a little bend in your knees, and you’re going to lean forward, trying to form a 45-degree angle between your trunk and the ground. And you keep your back straight, your chest should be up and your head straight, and you should be looking straight ahead.

At the time of doing it, you are going to hold the same bar with the same prone grip, only that your hands should be somewhat separated at the height of your shoulders.

Then you bring the bar up along your thighs until it reaches your navel, that’s when your biceps and forearms are going to take the weight, and you don’t have to contract them.

Later you are going to pull the bar with the help of your elbows (not the biceps)

And at the top you’re going to bring your shoulder blades together and hold the contraction for 2 seconds before you have to lower your weight.

In this exercise you are going to perform 4 series and as many repetitions as you can.

Barbell Shrug

Our upper trapezius muscle is very easy to work without the need to do it directly, since in almost all exercises this muscle also receives stimulation. But if you want to work on it a little more, then this is for you.

You’re going to stand in front of our bar with your feet shoulder-width apart, contract your abs, push your chest out, keep your back straight, and bend your knees until you reach the bar.

You will hold your bat in an overhand grip, and slightly wider than shoulder width.

In the execution, you will raise your shoulders (shrug) as far as you can, hold the contraction for 3 seconds, and in that time you will squeeze your back as much as you can.

You will lower the bar and let the weight stretch your traps.

You do this exercise in a quantity of 3 series, and in the repetitions they are going to be as far as you can.

Doing the repetitions for a specific number can be somewhat useless, it is much better to do it as far as you can, since this way you will be able to work the muscle better and you will be able to stimulate it better, than reaching the quantity and not feeling much pain.


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