Finding an exact list that shows which are the most lethal martial arts in the world is quite complex. Since as far as contact sports are concerned, there are many factors that must be taken into account, so positioning one art over another is more complex than you think. It is not as simple as going and choosing the first one that crosses your path, we must consider physical, mental and even in some cases spiritual factors.

However, and despite how difficult it could be to choose the most lethal martial art, within the wide repertoire that exists today. The truth is that we have ventured to provide you with a list of all those that could be considered lethal. So from now on, each martial art shown can be considered as deadly as the others.

On the other hand, if these types of posts are to your liking, do not stay with the desire to learn more by reading: How to learn self-defense.

Deadliest Martial Arts: Krav Maga.

Krav maga is a fighting style that is used and practiced as a means of close combat for the Israeli army. This style of martial art stands out for focusing on a more effective hand-to-hand fight, that is. Each of his movements is designed to be able to exert the greatest possible pain on the opponent, executing movements or blows to specific points on his body. In this way, krav maga becomes a martial art worthy of being on this list.


Anyone who has a minimum of knowledge in martial arts knows that in any list of the deadliest martial arts, muay thai has to appear yes or yes. This martial art, which is also known as Thai boxing, is characterized by the use of all the extremities of the body. What is valid is the use of elbows and knees to perform certain movements or attacks. This makes the impacts or blows received brutal, and it is common for the fighters themselves to bleed during their confrontations.

The main goal in muay thai is to take down the opponent as quickly as possible. Therefore, most of his techniques consist of brutal hammer-type attacks, which can be considered very violent. This martial art is often seen a lot and has become popular in MMA, in championships organized by the UFC.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu jitsu or as it is also known for short BJJ, is a martial art that has earned its fame and popularity. Phrase which has never been said better, because this art focuses on the use of the body itself, since it is fought on the ground. This means that smaller fighters have an advantage when practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu, and it is this martial art that allows smaller fighters to take down and beat larger ones.

One of the fighters who has brought this martial art to fame the most is the legendary Royce Gracie, who was the winner of the first, second and fourth UFC confrontation (The Ultimate Fighting Championship).


It may surprise more than one that something related to ninjas appears on this list. And while it is true that ninjutsu could be considered an obsolete or outdated martial art, I have to mention that this article only lists the most lethal martial arts, not only the current ones but those of a lifetime. So knowing that, ninjutsu may well have a place in this post.

Here honor and fair fighting are left aside, as stealth and surprise are paramount when it comes to ninjutsu. And of course, ninjas were popularly known for being sneaky killers after all.

In this art, the use of melee weapons is also highlighted, even carrying katanas, cribs, scythes, among other types of ninja tools.

The eskrima.

Any martial art that involves the use of any tool will generally be considered lethal. Since obviously carrying a tool for combat is an advantage, that is what happens with eskrima. This fighting style originates from the Philippine islands, and its main distinctive feature is the use of a wooden rod as its main weapon.

However, it also has a repertoire of unarmed movements and techniques, so even if they are characteristic of a wooden rod, it is still an art to be taken into account.

This is how we conclude with the writing of this post. We hope that everything explained and commented on in this article has been to your liking and interest.


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